domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

My interview

I decided to interview my uncle. He studied industrial engineer and he's actually working for the Junta of Andalusia at the Computers Department, he's Head of Systems.

1-Why did you decide to study industrial engineer?

I remembered that the subject I liked the most was maths and in those times there wasn’t any kind of counselor. One of my friends decided to study that career so I discovered it. I liked it because it was related with maths and it was more practical. So that’s why I chose it.

2-How did you get into your actual job?

First I started working as hardware maintenance technician in the early 80’s in ``Fujitsu España´´. One of our main clients was the Junta of Andalusia, and I had almost daily contact with them. So in the early 90’s they created the Junta of Andalusia Computer Centre. So I decided to get into it and I got the position of Chief Operating and then another internal job, Head of Systems, in which I’m still working.

3-What is your real function at work?

In a summarized way, my functions are:
-Responsibility for the correctly operation computer systems, network and IP telephony.
-Coordination of Systems Department.
-Work planning computers.

4-What do you think it’s the most difficult thing of your job?

Well, for me the hardest thing is coordinating the people at my department. And the relationship with users can be also complicated.

5-If you could not do this job, what other job would you like to realize?

The truth is that I like a lot of things. Perhaps the most important thing is to do something that helps society. Lately, I would like to know more about economy and a little bit of politics too. 

Sport profile: Weighlifting

Weightlifting is a sport in which competitors attempt to lift heavy weights mounted on barbells. It has two different movements: snatch and clean and jerk. Some photos to show you this two different events.

Olympic Weightlifting Snatch

Olympic Weightlifting Clean

Olympic Weightlifting Jerk

If the competitor fails on the first attempt in snatch he's out of the competition but if he fails in clean or jerk he has another try.

The first organized competitions began in Europe in the late 1800's and the first world champion was crowned in 1891. Weightlifting appeared in the Olympics in 1896, as part of athletics. Then, it was left out of the competition but finally people decided to get weightlifting into it another time, so it returned to the games in 1920.

The most important weightlifting competition is the Olympic Games because it's an international competition and actually the weightlifting competitions are just for a country or a continent.

jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

Learning about different countries

During some weeks we have been working on an english work. It was about looking for information of the countries we had to choose and learning how to cook typical food from them.

We were divided into groups. My group worked on Russia, and we learnt a lot of things from it, like geographical details, religion, and typical food. 

In Russia, people usually have soap combined with meat or fish for lunch or for diner. They like eating peasant food, and they often have one special type of pancake called 'kremsils' for breakfast. That's the food we learnt to cook and we cooked for our classmates.

My group didn't have any problem while cooking and making the project. We had a lot of fun! We enjoy this work and I think it was a good experience!

Here you are the film we made for the class teaching how to cook the special breakfast from Russia : 'kremsils'! Hope you like it!

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

How to juggle

This is the video for my PE classes. If you want to learn how to juggle you should watch it. Hope u like it;)

martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

martes, 24 de enero de 2012

1000 cranes for peace!

       I'm going to speak about social nets. People are always on Internet and chats thinking that it's safe but it isn't. In Internet we can download information, we can keep us informed about today, and the most important thing for teenagers is that we can chat with everybody.

      These things aren't always safe, because for example, when we download something sometimes we have to give some information about us or our card's password, and then people get all of these informations. Some web pages can get your card's password and they can steal your money.

      In Internet the most dangerous things for teenagers are chats, because you create an account in a web to chat with your friends, but then more people see your profile and they want to chat with you and teenagers usually accept. Then these people want to have information about you like your location, and they want to have photos of you. Finally, it could be dangerous because they can kidnap you.

      To solve these problems, first we shouldn't give any information to the webs about our card's password. We shouldn't give any information about our location in chats and never accept people that we don't know who they are. If you have some problems on web sites, or chats, please tell your parents about it and they'll help you.

      This is a short video about how people can get involved in problems on Internet. It's unwell explain it but it can give us an idea.


En conmemoración de Sadako Sasaki espero que hagais grullas! Aqui os dejo un tutorial!

Aqui os dejo un video de Sadako Sasaki!

lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

La historia de Sadako Sasaki

       Esta historia que van a leer habla de Sadako Sasaki, una niña japonesa que sobrevivió a la bomba atómica que fue arrojada hacia los finales de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Hiroshima, Japón.

       Durante la guerra, Estados Unidos no atacó ni una sola vez a esta ciudad, era la única que no había sido atacada, y eso tenía una explicación. Querían comprobar el efecto de la bomba atómica y decidieron reservar esta ciudad para, más tarde, probar con ella.

       El mundo se disponía a conocer el resultado de aquel experimento que en segundos acabó con Hiroshima. Lo que la gente no supó fue que aquella explosión tendría un efecto radioactivo que podía propagarse. Pues esto fue lo que le ocurrió a Sadako. Ella vivía a las afueras de la ciudad y tenía dos años cuando ocurrió todo esto. Tiempo más tarde, cuando ella tenía 10 años se le diagnosticó leucemia, que había sido causada por la radioactividad.

       Una leyenda japonesa cuenta que si realizas 1000 grullas, los dioses te conceden un deseo. Entonces Sadako se dispuso durante su estancia en el hospital a intentar hacer todas estas grullas con papeles que pedía por todas las habitaciones.

       Dos años más tarde de ser ingresada murió porque se le complicó mucho la enfermedad. Ella solo llegó a realizar 644 grullas y sus amigos, como regalo acabaron todas las que faltaban. Sadako Sasaki fue enterrada juntó a las 1000 grullas.